Saturday, December 4, 2021

Dear Girls | Ali Wong


I didn't know much about Ali Wong beyond her comedy specials on Netflix. I found those specials hilarious, but I wouldn't call myself a big fan of Wong just yet. Enter Dear Girls. After reading Wong's book, it is safe to say that I would whole heartedly consider myself a full fledged Wong fan. 

The book is written in the form of letters addressed to her daughters, giving them both life lessons and recapping memories from her own past. However, Wong strongly warns her children not to read the book until they reach the age of 21 and to be frank, that is a fair self-assessment on Wong's part. After all, the recollections of her sexual escapades had me blushing and I am well past that age!

Wong is brutally honest in Dear Girls and does not shy away from sharing some very specific and at times, graphic details about becoming a mother, delivering a child, courting her now husband and her dedication to comedy. She is so committed, that she performed at times when you couldn't help but ask yourself... doesn't this woman believe in taking breaks?! Wong is truly an exceptional women who loves her craft, her husband and her children. Dear Girls is an inspiring and VERY funny read. One of my favourite parts being the section on Wong's experience learning more about her Vietnamese background, which I could really identify with as a mixed person myself.  

Although Dear Girls might feel/look like  it was primarily written for a female reader, I want you to know that in my humble opinion, that isn't the case at all. This is a story of persistence, ingenuity and freaking hard ass work, to make your dreams and your life work. It is a tale of partnership, love and commitment and let's be honest, those are lessons for everyone.

Have a read and let me know what you thought in a comment below! Dear Girls can be found at your local bookstore in the 'Humour' section or on Amazon (link here). 

Happy Reading!


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